terça-feira, 17 de novembro de 2009

66 en

i didn't write this poem
now appeared
single words that come together
for you
around a number
just another one
that speaks of life
and time
i didn't write this poem
i think about all i've done
in this space that is more yours than mine
it's of the world
i could talk to you about the books i read
the songs i heard
but the real pleasure
would be to read you
to know that you answer to me
with the books you read
with the songs you hear
with the deeper touch you own
is this touch that i want to feel
is in that touch that i can reach you
if you can make me see
what most deeper
you have
to publish
i didn't write this poem
i danced at the sound of keyboard
of fingers hopping
and if by a happy or unhappy coincidence
you read before or now one of the first poems in this listed set
you arrive at the conclusion that if
and believe me: without if
i didn't write this poem
i only fulfill the duty of typing the words that come out
and with that last one i'm staying
and deleting
and deleting
poems stay for another day

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